Title: Elin Build 16843186 PC ISO | |||||
Elin Build 16843186
1. Extract 2. Play! |
Elin Build 16843186
The post Elin Build 16843186 PC appeared first on ZZM.
Title: Elin Build 16843186 PC ISO | |||||
Elin Build 16843186
1. Extract 2. Play! |
ABOUT THE GAMESuccessor to the roguelike RPG “Elona”. Adventure, survival, crafting, home-building, myths passed down, and stories of humans and Elea spun. What scars will you leave on the land of Ylva? Title: Elin Support the software developers. BUY IT! NOTE: Start the game through “steamclient_loader.exe” Elin Build 16843186
The post Elin Build 16843186 PC appeared first on ZZM.