Title: Shuis Odyssey-TENOKE PC ISO | |||||
Shuis Odyssey-TENOKE
1. Extract 2. Play! |
The post Shuis Odyssey-TENOKE PC appeared first on ZZM.
Title: Shuis Odyssey-TENOKE PC ISO | |||||
Shuis Odyssey-TENOKE
1. Extract 2. Play! |
ABOUT THE GAMEThis is a puzzle game that combines text and images. Players use visual illusions to piece together fragments of memories from Alzheimer’s patients, in order to reconstruct the truth of the story and witness the passage of time for three generations. Title: Shui’s Odyssey Support the software developers. BUY IT! Shuis Odyssey-TENOKE
The post Shuis Odyssey-TENOKE PC appeared first on ZZM.